Broad Match: Matching search query only needs to loosely match 1 word of any of the terms contained within your requested keyword to display your ad.
Targeting & Control: Keyword matching is very loose with a low level of control.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids should be set at a minimum.
Anchor Modified Broad Match Matching search query must match the designated “anchor” word contained in the bidded keyword to display ad.
Targeting & Control: Limited keyword targeting with minimum level of control.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids should be low for testing and new keyword discovery.
Dual Anchor Modified Broad Match: Matching search query needs to match the 2 designated “anchor” words contained in your requested keyword.
Targeting & Control: Selective keyword targeting with a moderate level of control.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids should be moderate.
Fully Modified Broad Match: Matching search query needs to match all of the designated “anchor” words contained within the requested keyword.
Targeting & Control: Very good keyword targeting with higher level of control.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids can be set at a competitive level.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids can be set at a competitive level.
Phrase Match: Matching search query needs to contain within it the entire requested keyword in the exact order that the words appear.
Targeting & Control: Valuable keyword targeting with high level of control.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids can be set at a competitive level.
Exact Match: Matching search query needs to contain the exact requested keyword and cannot contain additional terms.
Targeting & Control: Exact keyword targeting with high level of control.
Behest Strategy: Initial bids can be highly competitive.